Saturday 31 May 2008

Week 5

Colour. It's everywhere and photographing colour should be easy. Yeah right.

Up here in Northumberland, thereis an absolute abundance of one colour, green. So I had the green angle covered but that would have made for an uninspiring portfolio.

With week 4 being pretty poor, I wanted to get out and find colour, so I headed off to Hulne Park in Alnwick. This vast estate is owned by The Duke of Northumberland and there are various trails the public can use. The day was overcast, so any colour woud have to come from the plants and it took about 30 minutes of walking to find anything useful. Bluebells were growing by the side of a dirt track and without my tripod to steady the camera, I had to hand hold being careful not to let the shutter speed drop too low.

I will have to go back to Hulne Park when the sun is out, there are plenty of landscape shots to be had. However I did find a statue of a monk which proved to be a very patient subject ;) The results I got from the kit lens were really sharp this time, seems you just can't win, and some of those shots are contenders for my ECA.

The building on the left here is Brizlee Tower which was restored in 2005. This is on my to do on sunnier day list, the overcast sky didn't make for a good background hence the B&W conversion.

Back home I set up some still lifes using gumballs and borrowed the kids plant pots. These produced some great shots, I'll let you look at them on flickr, but I will leave you with an old magical favourite....

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