Monday 19 May 2008

Week 3 - Part Two

I attempted to get photos to complete this weeks assignment last night. My aim was to get low-light, high ISO photos from Alnwck but decided to go down the coast instead, and I must say I am pleased with the results following the disappoint from my Alnwick run when the pictures didn't appear as sharp as they could have done.

I parked up at the beach and found that the tide was out, leaving what sand and some rocks exposed. Above is my initial shot at ISO 1600 but as I was taking pictures I thought about twisting the zoom barrel. I tried going from 18-55, but the best results were from 55-18mm..

The beach where I was at was littered with worms, surely an image waiting to be had. They are protected by local bye-laws to stop fishermen using them as bait.

The sun had already set and the light was refleting of the damp sand, so I sat my tripod down and took a few quick pictures at different exposures to ensure I got one just right. No editing was required.

From there I moved on again and came across fields with rapeseed in. There was an open gate on one so I went in and noticed that one flower head was sticking out above the rest, so making sure I was on ISO 1600, I composed the shot using the rule of thirds and took a few pictures again using the histogram display on my camera to get the exposure right. This needed just a little editing in Elements to enhance the colours.

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