Sunday 18 May 2008

Week 2

In week 2 we were asked to take at least two pictures of somewhere, somebody or something that we really liked. Time was short and so ws inspiration, but at least I was not alone.

A short trip to Sunderland provided me with an opportunity to photograph Roker Pier, but it was mid-afternoon, sunny (unusually for Sunderland) and unfortunately very hazey which didn'tmake for good photography, at least I knew I could enhance the images in Elements once I got home.

This one only needed a little tweaking to enhance the redbricks of the pier and a slight boost to the sky. As for the composition, I saw a similar image elsewhere like this on Flickr and tried to recreate it. While I was on the beach, I took a general shot which got cropped (as per assignment 2 to crop one of the images). Without the father and his child heading to the sea, I doubt this picture would have worked as well.

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