Friday 18 April 2008

Where to crop?

During a visit to Birdoswald Roman Fort near Gilsland in Cumbria, I found this little lamb resting between some remains. This is the extent of the original picture and as you can see there is a lot of space around the lamb as well as the slightly distracting background.

The immediate idea to improve this shot was to crop out the distracting background whilst maintaining enough of the remains as possible to add to the interest of the shot. However, are the stones in the foreground now too distracting? Possibly. I posted the image below on Flickr and the main point of the comments it received were in regards to the crop.
So which is a better crop?

The last crop was suggested by louisahennessyvikinghorns and brings the lamb more into the frame.
Photography is certainly subjective, all three crops above have their merits and if I ran a poll, there'd probably be votes for each one. Of course there are other questions regarding this shot that I'll answer. The shot was taken at 55mm on my 18-55mm lens, so I couldn't have taken a tighter picture. Had I moved in closer, it would have probably got up and legged it and I'd have missed a shot, so I got the best picture I could and this left me with a quandry of how to crop.

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