Tuesday 7 September 2010

Since my last post I have been accepted at Alamy, which is a great boost. No sales from them yet, however I need to add a lot more images before I expect to get a sale there.

Fotolia though has come up trumps. A picture of the Sanctuary of Apollon Hylatis in Cyprus (left) showing the Pafos Gate end of the archaeological site, sold today giving me my first ever microstock sale and first ever image sale (if you discount the wedding photography I did about 10 years ago!)

The thing is, you don't know where your image will get used. I might happen upon it by chance one day, but chances are I will never see how it got used. Would be nice to though wouldn't it?

Edit: Seems that this wasn't the first image I have sold. An image from my Dreamstime collection of Aphrodite's Rock at dusk sold just days earlier.

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